About the Artist

I’ve been making art since I was very young, and it has been the constant through other creative endeavors. In between my band touring, and putting out my self published music Zine in my early 20s, I started doing covers for death metal band demos and concert flyers. Since then, art has become my main passion and work, selling independently as I explore into bigger and more experimental mediums and avenues of  creative thinking. 

Most of my art comes from the human need to live through the cyclical process of creation and experience. My style is derived from influences of beat literature, poetry,  obnoxious punk and noise music, revolutionary politics, and fascination and love for expressionist, abstract, and outsider art. Through the connection we get from each other, the things we gain and lose, the willingness to explore, and the sum of the most beautiful and terrifying human experiences, it can all come together through messy visual poetry. 

My future goals are to showcase a multimedia project documenting the stories of people who have experienced struggles and triumphs in addiction, loss and love through their life stories, recorded  in their own words, with art accompanying them. A way to tell the stories of people who would never get their stories told, and connect and move people to the most passionate human emotions. 

Current member of 40 West Arts District, traveler, cat dad, and chef.